Monday, April 18, 2011

Blue Moon Recipe: Harvest Ale Braised Short Ribs

The Harvest Ale from Blue Moon is a very seasonal selection with lots of bold spices such as cloves, alspice, and nutmeg.  The dish I created for this beer definitely warms the belly.  It was nuking snow outside, a fire roaring, and the house needed some pleasant aromas.  

Braised short ribs immediatley came to my mind with this beer.  The braising liquid was created using the Harvest ale, spices, and some aromatics.  Combined with some hearty root vegetables, this dish would certainly fill all requirements for a snowy, stay at home evening.  

The ribs braised for about 2 hours, but could have easily gone longer if you have the time and patience.  The meet was tender, the yams and leeks melted in your mouth. And the house smelled of all the spices that had been simmering away for the past few hours.  A delicious warm meal that also warms the soul.  Keep this one for those cold nights!

Harvest Ale Braised Beef Short Ribs

4-8 Beef Short Ribs
2 Bottles of Harvest Ale
1 Large Leek - large chopped
1 Carrot - large chopped
2-3 yams - peeled and quartered
6 Cloves
1 tbsp Ground Allspice
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp whole peppercorns
1/2 cup apple Cider Vinegar
3-4 tbsp honey (possibly molasses)

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