First and foremost, you need some homemade chicken stock. Super easy and makes dishes. For the meat, I like to use chicken thighs, but any piece of chicken will do. First step is dredging the chicken and placing it in a large pot with some olive oil. Browning the pieces off, I then add chopped leeks. Once the leeks get soft, its time to start adding stock. Adding enough to cover the chicken, this then simmers for about 45min to an hour. The chicken is then removed and set aside in a bowl for shredding. Back to the pot goes carrots, peas or broccoli, or whatever veggies you like. Then, goes in the heavy cream. About 10-16oz depending on the size of your meal. Let this mixture boil down a bit, then add your shredded chicken back into it. From here on out, its ready for the oven.
2 Cups Flour
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 stick butter (cubed)
2/4 cup milk (buttermilk if you have)
With the oven pre-heated to 400* the pot pie should go in with a cookie sheet on a rack below. This is to catch any overflow and wont turn your oven into a smoker! in 20-25 min, you should have a golden brown crust.
Love, love this recipe. The biscuit topping makes this dish unique and awesome. Garnish with some Franks Red Hot, and your belly will be happy.